What Is The NBI Clearance Hit Status?

Introduction Of NBI Clearance Hit Status

NBI Clearance HIT Status means that the NBI system has flagged your application because your name or details match someone in their NBI database who has a criminal record.
If you are not include in any criminal activity but the NBI database shows that you have a criminal record don’t worry about it you can apply for a recheck of your Nbi application.

Why Do You Get a NBI Clearance Hit?

When you get a NBI hit, it does not mean you have done something wrong. Most of the time, a hit status happens because someone else shares your name or personal details. The NBI system flags your name because it found someone with the same name linked to a court case.

Another reason for a nbi hit is if you are involved in a court case before, but after some time the case was dismissed or you were acquitted. The NBI database still keeps records of these cases, so NBI clearance system shows your flag status.

Typing mistakes in your application can also be a reason for a hit. Sometimes you accidentally misspell your name or your birthdate. Which name you type matches someone who has a criminal record so the NBI system shows that your status is flagged.

Which information is NBI database collect?

The NBI database collects the below information

  • Courts (MTC, MTCC, MCTC, and RTC).
  • Prosecution Service (City and Provincial Prosecution Offices).
  • Ombudsman and Sandiganbayan.
  • Police and AFP records.

NBI Database information collect

What Happens After You Get a NBI Hit?

When your NBI application gets NBI Clearance Hit Status, don’t worry just do these things.

The NBI needs to review your details manually to make sure you’re not the person they’ve flagged in their system. This means someone will use your name and personal information to save his name and record it in the NBI database.

Go to the nbi office and submit an application that NBI database shows a hot status when you enter your information It can take some days or a week to solve it. It depends on how quickly they can verify your identity.

After the manual review, if they determine you’re not the person linked to the flagged record, they’ll clear your status, and you’ll get your NBI clearance.

How Long Does the NBI Hit Status Take to Resolve?

It is a simple case of mistaken identity, it could be cleared up in 5–10 days. However, if your name is linked to multiple cases or if they need to verify court documents, it could take up to 1-2 months. So, if you’re applying for a job or a visa and need that clearance ASAP don’t delay your process.

How to Resolve an NBI Clearance Hit?

If you’ve got a hit on your NBI clearance, you’ll need to take the following steps which are given below.

Step 1: Visit the NBI office

Once you get the NBI hit, the best solution is to visit the NBI office. They’ll guide you on how you can change your hit NBI status, the steps include submitting documents like valid IDs or court clearances if you’ve had a previous case.


Step 2: Bring any necessary documents

If you know why you got a hit bring proof of clearance or dismissal papers which are given to you by coat. This can help the NBI verify that you’re not involved in any criminal activity.

Step 3: Follow up regularly

Sometimes, your clearance can get stuck in the system. Following up every few days at the NBI office or through their online system can help keep your application moving along.

If it turns out that the hit was based on an error or a false match, congratulations—you’re clear! The NBI will process your clearance, and you’ll be good to go.


Getting a hit on your NBI clearance can be a frustrating experience for a person, but it is the part of the system. You get the hit status by using wrong name or number. So, if you get hit, don’t panic! Follow the steps, stay calm, and soon enough, you’ll have that clearance ready to take on whatever you need it for. Just be glad you’re not the one in the database.

I hope you understand all about NBI hit status but if you have any question about it just leave a comment we will answer you in 24 hours.

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